hi, so happy to browse your blog especially abt your cat DaDa:> he is so handsome:> however, u'd better never provide any plastic bags for him to play as one cat ate a small piece of it into his body and felt sick. The master brought him to see the vet, however, they couldnt see anything through X-ray. Then they tried to use many different method to help the cat and found it was a piece of plastic bag. After i heard this news, i always keep an eyes of my kittens when i return hm with some plastic bags. hope this news can b helped and cats ar happy with us in their short precious lives. [版主回覆09/10/2010 00:32:00]thanks for your advice, and of course, I'll keep an eye on him when playing plastic bag~~ welcome to my blog
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/23/2010 23:16:00]你都比寶少玩吓啦
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 09:15:00]panda : ee, yeah, 乜你咁鹹濕架
有得玩拱係吾好嘥啦 ~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 09:14:00]所以家裡好多垃圾排住隊'dum'
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 09:14:00]禾知架啦, 但係這個3月份忙到屎, 冇時間理da仔呀
[版主回覆03/24/2010 09:13:00]我今天仲想call你幫我留位添, 係尾panda爸提醒我話, 你今天放假丫, 你話我幾冇記性呀
好呀,免費玩具,Da 少又玩得 happy。
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 09:12:00]係呀, 有時卜友買個d玩具, da仔一d興趣都冇架
[版主回覆03/24/2010 10:08:00]去番我公司附近的餐廳
算啦..下次食飯. 我會買個膠袋送比您..
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 11:53:00]da 仔: ee, 膠袋禾已有大把, 最實際都係送罐罐啦
da da 要按摩呀,等靚媽嚟抽下水先
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 14:14:00]panda : 抽水 禾係小朋友, 當然會叫:唔好, 唔好
係米買 tissue 送 dada 呀??
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 14:39:00]誰人搶禾dada, 實同佢搏老命架
好嘢,好動態板DA仔睇! DA仔仲要好有勁咁沖入去,OK啦,知你勁啦!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2010 23:36:00]Panda : EE, 禾最鐘意捐入膠袋度架
Dada會沖入個袋裡面,好好玩 ,但我家Charco仔唔會嗰喎,佢只會匿係裡面,唔出o黎
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/25/2010 09:27:00]性格不同
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/25/2010 09:26:00]panda : ee, 禾係咪巧勁呢
睇黎呢個牌子唔單只紙巾強韌, 個袋都特別韌!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/27/2010 23:30:00]係呀, 所以好襟玩架
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2010 21:43:00](Empty)
回覆刪除so happy to browse your blog especially abt your cat DaDa:> he is so handsome:>
however, u'd better never provide any plastic bags for him to play as one cat ate a small piece of it into his body and felt sick. The master brought him to see the vet, however, they couldnt see anything through X-ray. Then they tried to use many different method to help the cat and found it was a piece of plastic bag.
After i heard this news, i always keep an eyes of my kittens when i return hm with some plastic bags. hope this news can b helped and cats ar happy with us in their short precious lives.
[版主回覆09/10/2010 00:32:00]thanks for your advice, and of course, I'll keep an eye on him when playing plastic bag~~
welcome to my blog